Saturday, September 29, 2012

The VH Adventure Part Three: Mini Golf and Monopoly

This is part three of the Victor Harbor Adventure! Here are part one and part two.

Day two of our trip started out pretty lazily. All of us slept in, exhausted from the day before. Breakfast was pancakes - pretty thin pancakes as we put too much water into the instant mix. The weather was definitely better than the day before, cold but partly sunny. 

On this day, we played mini golf! Nick and I were supposed to go on a whale watching tour but it was cancelled due to rough seas, which was disappointing. So we just went back to the carnival area - apparently it's called Girdler's Family Amusements. None of us ever played mini golf before except Sha, I think. So we decided to try it out. I got an orange ball! It matched my top. Hurrhurr. 

Nick didn't play, but continued his role of official vacation videographer. There's already a video of the first day of our trip on Facebook! :D I can't share it here though, so oh well. If you're Facebook friends with me, you would have seen it on my wall. 

Sammie is amazed by her big catch. 

Mini golf got a bit tedious after a while as the holes got more and more difficult to score. I got the best scores though, hehe! Sammie got two hole-in-ones, which was pretty awesome. I got one too, but Nick didn't catch it on video. ;__; Oh well. 

After mini golf, we decided to have lunch. I was torn between having baked potatoes and a fish burger - in the end, the fish burger won. It was an amazing fish burger! I should have taken a picture of it. Basically, they took an entire fried fish fillet and slotted it into a large hot dog bun. Sound unglamorous, but it was really filling and delicious. Good food for a happy tummy. 

And of course, no self-indulgent meal is complete without dessert! Above you can see the assortment of stuff we got together: Pavlova with strawberries and cream, chocolate mousse, strawberry mousse and ice-cream with strawberries and cream. Fyra had two servings of the ice-cream, which is an amazing feat as she usually eats so little. 

We still had a whole half of the day left, so we decided to visit Granite Island again. I wanted to look at the other side of the island that we didn't visit, as we took a route that cut across the top of it. The path we took was really steep though, and a part of me tried to console myself by declaring it my day's share of exercise (I really do feel like I put on a lot of weight after the holiday. I was eating all the tiiiiime).

More hanging out among rocks and watching the waves. Some time after this, Fyra started getting stomach aches, probably due to the huge amount of sour cream that came with her baked potato, and all the ice-cream she ate. Poor thing was really in pain. We walked back to the mainland and Nigel piggy-backed her for almost half of the Causeway length back home. Then Nigel's friend Jordan drove her to the house in his car so she could take some Panadol. She felt better after that, so that's good.

We still had some daylight to spare when we reached home, so Nick, Sha, Nigel and I went to the beach to hang out. It's nice to look at the island in the distance, and the waves rolling up the the beach. You can really see the white foam of waves in the distance. Sammie and Fyra dropped by for a while, but they went back because Sammie was cold. I don't blame her - it was 12 degrees out. 

Clever Sha brought her blanket out with her to the beach! This is her in 'igloo' mode. Haha. I tried to do some sketching but it really didn't turn out so great, as my fingers were cold. Nick did some shooting with his camera and Nigel gamboled around the beach, taking pictures of the waves and tossing mussel shells in our direction. We only spent a short while outside, as it started to get too cold.

The following photos are all screencaps from Nick's camera.

Since we got home way earlier than the day before, the dinner wait was much more relaxed. Sammie made mashed potatoes with buttermilk and chives while I baked honey mustard chicken. While waiting for the chicken to bake (it took an hour and a half, which is 45 minutes longer than the recipe suggested. The apartment's oven must be old or something), we hung around and had girl talk which we haven't had in a while. By girl talk I mean with us girls, while the boys were showering or something. Haha. 

Anyway, dinner was really satisfying. There was just enough meat and potatoes for all of us, and for that I'm thankful. 

After dinner, we started a game of Monopoly, a follow-up to the previous night's match. I wanted a rematch with Nigel, and I really wanted to see him lose. Somewhere along the game though, things took a sudden turn and everyone ended up ganging on Sammie, who pretty much monopolised almost half the board all by herself. She was pretty mean about it too, haha! Unsurprisingly, she won the round while Nigel came second. 

The rest of the night was spent playing murder in the dark. If you haven't tried playing it before, man you definitely should. You'll need a group of people and a really dark apartment. It was pretty fun, and we played until we got too sleepy. I think my second night's sleep was a lot more comfortable than the first one. 

And that was the end of day two! Next post will be the very last one about Victor Harbor; our last day there. We didn't do much, but I want to be complete with these blog posts, and I'd like to think that in future I can come back and read all this and remember the awesome time we had. 

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