Sunday, October 16, 2011

Glowy Kitty

More Project Draweekly. :D This is Alees. I used brushes for the background, check out surfing-ant from Deviantart if you want them too.

Anyway assignments are in full swing right now and at this moment I am procrastinating by updating this. Haha. I really want to update my blog layout, this one has been in use for years. Just need some extra time to sit down and tweak around. Until then, there will be just a few sparse updates. I've been busy the past week, what with assignments and whatnot.

Managed to meet up with Yen though, so that was good. We only ever get to meet up once ever few months, which is a shame. :/ But it's awesome because no matter how long we don't talk, when we do meet up we still get back into the same chatting groove as before. :)

I thought of updating with food pictures and stuff but I've lost the mood, haha. The inspiration to update here is so fleeting. Till next time then!

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