Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drawing Again?

This blog has been neglected and I am so sorry! D:

Just for the sake of updating (I suddenly feel like it. I'm not gonna question it, haha), here are two drawings I've got done within the past month. Haven't been drawing much at all but hoping to get some creative juices spilling now that Sammie and I are working on Project Draweekly together. Basically we're drawing every week together, according to themes! Even though an oceans separate us we can still do projects together. Yay. :3

So Week 1 was for us to draw a redhead and Week 2 was to draw her boyfriend. Here are my results. Week 3 and 4 have merged because of GASP assignments.

Campus life is being tedious lately. I'll be honest, I really prefer Taylor's before the sudden spike in population. I reach campus at 7.30 and parking is already almost to the tiang elektrik in Zone H. Last year if I reached at 7.30 I could still grab a spot in the entrance area. Parking woes aside, assignments are reasonable. Some subjects are more bearable than others. I can't wait to get to UniSA next year and choose my own electives.

Suddenly feel very tired. Could be from the climbing I did earlier today (and yes, I climb regularly now wewt) but dunno, it feels somewhat emotional. Last week I listened to Jet Lag, that new Simple Plan + Natasha Bedingfield song and I teared up wtf. It's not even a slow sad song it's all upbeat and pop rockish. @_@ Oh, hormones.

Hopefully I'll post more stuff in the near future. I want to be active blogging again. :D Also since that Perry is back from the shop I'll be able to take more pictures. Here's to having the drive to get back into this.

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