The past two weeks have really been something.
Last week Atuk went for an angiogram which went well, Alhamduilllah. He says that he's not as easily tired as he once was so that's awesome. I love you Atuk. :)
And then a couple of days ago Spyro broke his tail so we had to send him for surgey. Poor baby lost two inches of his beautiful tail. Here he is with his new pretty satellite dish collar. He's fine now, albeit a little groggy and weak from a jab the vet gave him.
I have three days left to the holidays.
I think I'm just going to take it easy. No epic war-on-boredom plans, no deliberate jumps into activity. If things happen, they'll happen. I have to teach myself to accept that not everything we plan will come through ... sometimes Allah has a different plan for us. :)