CPU has officially kicked the bucket, and Papa just realised that his eldest does not know what 'back-upping your hard drive' is. xD So he explained and bought me a pen drive so that I won't have to sit around whining about the half-dead computer not letting me finish my work. Acu showed me that I can name the pen drive (its birth name was KINGSTON) so I've named it JAQUE. It is officially asexual. If I refer to it by gender, it's purely for convenience.
As for the CPU, Uncle James took it, rescued the hard drive and is bringing a brand spankin' new one over in a few days. So, yes. I won't have to worry about my elderly CPU anymore. Alright!
In other news, drama is going quite ... OK. We'll have to work hard till the end.
I've done a lot of drawing lately. Mostly Avatar fanart. Even if my scanner was connected to a computer right now, there would be no art-dumpage because well ... I'm always a little stingy with fanart. The last time I drew characters over so obsessively was back in my Harry Potter phase. But Avatar is so much fun to draw. The fire nation kids in particular. And Katara's hair-loops. xD
Enjoy what's left of the hols, everyone.
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