Ah, my very last Hari Sukan.
For the first time in five years, I didn't take part in the marching. I helped with the training and stuff, but didn't do the actual thing. Instead, Sharmila, Aidil, Precillia and I sat around making last-minute decorations for the Hijau tent - in the excitement, everyone had forgotten that there were marks for best decorated tent.
We made do with some rafia string, black cloth, flowers and a few pom-poms recycled from last year's Hari Sukan. We got third place, so ... at least we didn't get last! :D We were second place in marching (YES!) and third overall, which is not as much as we had hoped, but hey, I came into the school early enough to experience Hijau's glory years ... so I'm content.
And I have officially finished reading New Moon. Here are the five phases (every time I picked up the book) - my reactions and thoughts. You don't have to read them, I just need to write it down somewhere. They're kinda crazy-sounding, but yes, these were what I was thinking. Warning: Spoilers.
Day/Phase 1
- Ah, Edward. I see you there, distancing yourself before the BREAK. I can see what you're doing! D:
- OhMyGosh, Bella the zombie! (He denied her the choice of immortality, so she opted for living dead. Very smart. [/sarcasm])
Phase 2
- Hahahaha, gory horror movies over romantic comedies.
- Awww. Jacob's such a nice person.
- Bella hears voices. I am very amused.
Phase 3
- Jacob ... Jacob, you're not fun anymore. D:
- Bella, for the first time, I actually feel for you. You poor accident-prone baby.
- Jacob's growth spurts freak me out. He's the size of an elephant in my imagination.
- Wow, I wanna know how Laurent died. In excruciating detail, please.
- Victoria's 'presence' scares me.
- Bella has grown a backbone. I like her new rebelling side.
- If Edward's a vampire, and Jacob's a werewolf, does that mean that Mike will turn into a unicorn? (I LOVE YOU MIKE, YOU'RE SO CUTE. <3 )
Phase 4
- ROSALIE!!! WHY??!! D: And you too, Jacob. Why'd you answer the phone!?
- Oh, Edward, you melodramatic monkey, you.
- Alice is the only one in this entire book who seems to have an ounce of common sense in her.
- Bella's going ...
- Hahahaa, shirtless Edward thinks he's dead. You're funny when you're confused.
-Bella's going ...
- Whoa, the Volturi aren't vegetarian? So ... they still drink human blood? Uh-oh.
-Bella's going ...
- OMG, they're gonna eat the TOURISTS. (I seriously started shaking when I read that. xD)
- Bella's still going ...
Phase 5
- And now she's gone. *sigh* She's back to her clingy self.
- Now Bella thinks she's dead. Meh, they really are meant for each other.
- I bet he broke the piano.
- Gee, Charlie's real angry.
- I like how Edward's in neutral-mode.
- If the treaty says it that way, then drag Bella off to Antarctica and bite her there. Duh.
- Jacob's size still freaks me out.
- Grruuhh. Lame ending.
And there you have it.
PREFECT'S CAMP tomorrow! :D
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Daily Life Bit
Hijau did not fall SPLAT today. But I won't say anything else until after Sports' Day.
Raptai was very tiring. Spent the first half of the morning yelling out commands and getting everyone to get used to marching. Hijau took over the space next to the kantin while Merah took the Block A end of the carpark, which meant that we were pretty much next to each other. At one point they marched right into Hijau space - which we had decided was our territory. Thus a rather childish fight ensued about staying in each other's spots while the Merah 'troops' cheered and the Hijau-ans jeered. Was very funny. xD
After recess and the actual marching rehearsal Pn. H took me, Tarsha, Salwa and Sofeya to TP to check out their stage for the drama competition. It's a pretty small stage - only 28 size-7 shoes across.
I am currently watching Blood+, 'cause Tarsha and I agreed to trade TV shows - she'll watch Avatar, and I'll watch Blood+. It's OK so far, I'm into even halfway through the first episode. I had to reload everything because I just realised that they have English-dubbed versions, so I don't need to listen to it in Japanese. ^^;
I am also currently reading New Moon. Edward and Bella should join the club at the Swamp Pit of Despair. Wallow to your heart's miserably delight, 24/7. xD On the other hand, Jacob is such a nice guy. I'm warming up to him.
EDIT: Blood+ is FUN. There's blood everywhere, yayyay. There was this bit of freaky music in it at one point which freaked Pebbles. She started growling. xD Speaking of blood, Bella's 'obsession' with bloody horror movies in New Moon is endlessly amusing. How gleefully macabre.
Raptai was very tiring. Spent the first half of the morning yelling out commands and getting everyone to get used to marching. Hijau took over the space next to the kantin while Merah took the Block A end of the carpark, which meant that we were pretty much next to each other. At one point they marched right into Hijau space - which we had decided was our territory. Thus a rather childish fight ensued about staying in each other's spots while the Merah 'troops' cheered and the Hijau-ans jeered. Was very funny. xD
After recess and the actual marching rehearsal Pn. H took me, Tarsha, Salwa and Sofeya to TP to check out their stage for the drama competition. It's a pretty small stage - only 28 size-7 shoes across.
I am currently watching Blood+, 'cause Tarsha and I agreed to trade TV shows - she'll watch Avatar, and I'll watch Blood+. It's OK so far, I'm into even halfway through the first episode. I had to reload everything because I just realised that they have English-dubbed versions, so I don't need to listen to it in Japanese. ^^;
I am also currently reading New Moon. Edward and Bella should join the club at the Swamp Pit of Despair. Wallow to your heart's miserably delight, 24/7. xD On the other hand, Jacob is such a nice guy. I'm warming up to him.
EDIT: Blood+ is FUN. There's blood everywhere, yayyay. There was this bit of freaky music in it at one point which freaked Pebbles. She started growling. xD Speaking of blood, Bella's 'obsession' with bloody horror movies in New Moon is endlessly amusing. How gleefully macabre.
Monday, March 24, 2008
ICC and school-field sludge.
Went to my first (and possibly last) ICC last Saturday. Mira and I travelled the LRT without adult supervision for the first time ever. Papa bought us separate Touch'n'Go cards. xD So we began the journey with Nad, Jess, Ilham, Mira's friend Adila and Nad's little brother. Chan joined us later on with a guy friend. The journey was uneventful, until we realised after we got off the train that we had no idea where to go. So we followed a group of boys because Jess noticed one of them holding an ICC ticket.
The concert itself was fuuuun. :D Kudos to the council, you guys did an awesome job. One of the singing groups, Girls Like Girls played Stop and Stare and Umbrella. They were cute. xD Nad got overexcited watching them. I really liked their version of Umbrella ... pity I can't download it. The Mechanics were my favourite dancing group - they had me the moment Greased Lightning started playing. Later on while waiting for the judges to tally up their points, we watched a couple of beatboxers and two rapper guys called Dose Two. The beatboxers were awesome. I was slack-jawed for quite a while. And Nad was practically squirming off her seat watching Dose Two. xD
And as always, the lovelies of SA rocked the ceiling with our cheering. We don't need a reason to scream, ha!
In other news, raptai sukan is tomorrow. Gosh knows what that will bring. Here's to Hijau not falling SPLAT face-first in the school-field mud-sludge.
Ps. I have succeeded in borrowing Aisya's copy of New Moon. I am the envy of all Twilighters whom I recruited in the first place. Mwahahaha, I get to read it before youuu.
The concert itself was fuuuun. :D Kudos to the council, you guys did an awesome job. One of the singing groups, Girls Like Girls played Stop and Stare and Umbrella. They were cute. xD Nad got overexcited watching them. I really liked their version of Umbrella ... pity I can't download it. The Mechanics were my favourite dancing group - they had me the moment Greased Lightning started playing. Later on while waiting for the judges to tally up their points, we watched a couple of beatboxers and two rapper guys called Dose Two. The beatboxers were awesome. I was slack-jawed for quite a while. And Nad was practically squirming off her seat watching Dose Two. xD
And as always, the lovelies of SA rocked the ceiling with our cheering. We don't need a reason to scream, ha!
In other news, raptai sukan is tomorrow. Gosh knows what that will bring. Here's to Hijau not falling SPLAT face-first in the school-field mud-sludge.
Ps. I have succeeded in borrowing Aisya's copy of New Moon. I am the envy of all Twilighters whom I recruited in the first place. Mwahahaha, I get to read it before youuu.
Instructions: Remove one question from those below, add in one of your own (personal), to make a total of 20. Tag 8 people in your list at the end of this post. Notify them.
1. At what age do you wish to be married?
Anything above 24 or 25 I guess. I've never actually thought about it.
2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you'd take and why?
Dunno about blog-buddies, but if we were talking real-life, I'd take Tarsha (I'm betting she's got more survival skills than me xD), Aidil (If I'm going to be stranded, might as well have someone I can geek about Lost over in our spare time) and Nad, just for the heck of it. :P
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Too many places!
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Publish a book. :D
5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
No. All those songs about living on love alone? Utter crap, I say. Money makes the world go round.
6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My experiences. Basically everything that I've done, or am capable of doing.
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Split some of it up evenly between my parents and grandparents, and stash the rest in a bank. I'll donate if I can find a worthy cause.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Depends. But I hope so.
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Shifa is smart, cute and friendly. :D
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Erm ... all the stuff that ustazah listed during the perkahwinan chapter at school. :D
11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
12. If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
No ... because everything that happened in the past is the foundation of who I am now.
13. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
I admit that I would love to be able to fly.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
It feels like everything around me is.
15. If you could be a real character on a TV show for just one episode, which show would it be?
Friends, definitely!
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
I'd like to get rid of the nagging little feeling at the back of my mind that stops me from trying new things.
17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
Not all ... but I have a select few people with whom I confide in.
18. What's your weakest point?
Sometimes I have a hard time believing in myself.
19. What's the thing that you're most proud of?
Almost everything that I can do.
20.What do you think of sarcasm and irony?
Incredibly funny in the right situations.
I tag:
Evelyn, Hamizah, Hannah, Mira, Nad, Nadiah, Chan and Adrissa.
1. At what age do you wish to be married?
Anything above 24 or 25 I guess. I've never actually thought about it.
2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you'd take and why?
Dunno about blog-buddies, but if we were talking real-life, I'd take Tarsha (I'm betting she's got more survival skills than me xD), Aidil (If I'm going to be stranded, might as well have someone I can geek about Lost over in our spare time) and Nad, just for the heck of it. :P
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Too many places!
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Publish a book. :D
5. Do you believe you can survive without money?
No. All those songs about living on love alone? Utter crap, I say. Money makes the world go round.
6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My experiences. Basically everything that I've done, or am capable of doing.
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Split some of it up evenly between my parents and grandparents, and stash the rest in a bank. I'll donate if I can find a worthy cause.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Depends. But I hope so.
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Shifa is smart, cute and friendly. :D
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Erm ... all the stuff that ustazah listed during the perkahwinan chapter at school. :D
11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
12. If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
No ... because everything that happened in the past is the foundation of who I am now.
13. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
I admit that I would love to be able to fly.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
It feels like everything around me is.
15. If you could be a real character on a TV show for just one episode, which show would it be?
Friends, definitely!
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
I'd like to get rid of the nagging little feeling at the back of my mind that stops me from trying new things.
17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
Not all ... but I have a select few people with whom I confide in.
18. What's your weakest point?
Sometimes I have a hard time believing in myself.
19. What's the thing that you're most proud of?
Almost everything that I can do.
20.What do you think of sarcasm and irony?
Incredibly funny in the right situations.
I tag:
Evelyn, Hamizah, Hannah, Mira, Nad, Nadiah, Chan and Adrissa.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
They're not as deathly pale as I had expected ...
The school
Became a wading pool
As the rain beat down
On our busy town.
As the rain beat down
On our busy town.
The drains were overflowing and people were running in the rain screaming. It rained again today, but not as heavy. I was hoping for some mandi hujan time, but oh well. We had drama practice outside the gallery since that it was full of: cheerleaders, taekwando people, random spectators and chairs.
The chairs took up the most space.
It was a mess. The practice I mean, not the chairs. Julia came over to help since that she's teaching the Form 1 and Form 2s (hee, she's a teacher xD). But Aidil and Bani were missing. We found Aidil wandering around looking worried 'cause her cousin (who's helping us out too) hadn't arrived and Bani was nowhere to be found. I found her an hour later in the canteen - she forgot about practice. ^^;
Aidil's cousin arrived with 14 minutes to go till most of us had to go home. There was a lot of arm-waving. I became quite confused. My body wouldn't listen to my brain, then my brain got fed up and gave up telling my limbs what to do.
It feels like a strange blur now. The only thing working was my mouth.
In other news:

Guess who?
The drains were overflowing and people were running in the rain screaming. It rained again today, but not as heavy. I was hoping for some mandi hujan time, but oh well. We had drama practice outside the gallery since that it was full of: cheerleaders, taekwando people, random spectators and chairs.
The chairs took up the most space.
It was a mess. The practice I mean, not the chairs. Julia came over to help since that she's teaching the Form 1 and Form 2s (hee, she's a teacher xD). But Aidil and Bani were missing. We found Aidil wandering around looking worried 'cause her cousin (who's helping us out too) hadn't arrived and Bani was nowhere to be found. I found her an hour later in the canteen - she forgot about practice. ^^;
Aidil's cousin arrived with 14 minutes to go till most of us had to go home. There was a lot of arm-waving. I became quite confused. My body wouldn't listen to my brain, then my brain got fed up and gave up telling my limbs what to do.
It feels like a strange blur now. The only thing working was my mouth.
In other news:

Guess who?
Note to self: In future, do not check on movie/book/comic/tv show/cartoon news immediately after dinner. Suffocation due to lack of oxygen caused by fangirlish excitement may occur.
EDIT: Deathly Hallows is gonna be split in two movies!? I am so behind the times. This is very cool news. Prolong the Harry Potter mania plzkthx.
EDIT: Deathly Hallows is gonna be split in two movies!? I am so behind the times. This is very cool news. Prolong the Harry Potter mania plzkthx.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
New things
I have a new CPU! It's all black and new, and it hums. <3 Unlike the old CPU, which growled like some small dog when I switched it on. This one hums. Thanks muchly, Uncle James.
It's way faster now too. Everything is easier to load! I celebrated by watching Watership Down on YouTube. Makes me want to re-read the book. The movie is very pretty animation-wise, but it went too slow. I got restless.
Ooh, I want to see if I can watch Land Before Time. I'm on a childhood movies kick.
In other news, school starts tomorrow.
Dang it.
It's way faster now too. Everything is easier to load! I celebrated by watching Watership Down on YouTube. Makes me want to re-read the book. The movie is very pretty animation-wise, but it went too slow. I got restless.
Ooh, I want to see if I can watch Land Before Time. I'm on a childhood movies kick.
In other news, school starts tomorrow.
Dang it.
Friday, March 14, 2008
The hols-cutting update
CPU has officially kicked the bucket, and Papa just realised that his eldest does not know what 'back-upping your hard drive' is. xD So he explained and bought me a pen drive so that I won't have to sit around whining about the half-dead computer not letting me finish my work. Acu showed me that I can name the pen drive (its birth name was KINGSTON) so I've named it JAQUE. It is officially asexual. If I refer to it by gender, it's purely for convenience.
As for the CPU, Uncle James took it, rescued the hard drive and is bringing a brand spankin' new one over in a few days. So, yes. I won't have to worry about my elderly CPU anymore. Alright!
In other news, drama is going quite ... OK. We'll have to work hard till the end.
I've done a lot of drawing lately. Mostly Avatar fanart. Even if my scanner was connected to a computer right now, there would be no art-dumpage because well ... I'm always a little stingy with fanart. The last time I drew characters over so obsessively was back in my Harry Potter phase. But Avatar is so much fun to draw. The fire nation kids in particular. And Katara's hair-loops. xD
Enjoy what's left of the hols, everyone.
As for the CPU, Uncle James took it, rescued the hard drive and is bringing a brand spankin' new one over in a few days. So, yes. I won't have to worry about my elderly CPU anymore. Alright!
In other news, drama is going quite ... OK. We'll have to work hard till the end.
I've done a lot of drawing lately. Mostly Avatar fanart. Even if my scanner was connected to a computer right now, there would be no art-dumpage because well ... I'm always a little stingy with fanart. The last time I drew characters over so obsessively was back in my Harry Potter phase. But Avatar is so much fun to draw. The fire nation kids in particular. And Katara's hair-loops. xD
Enjoy what's left of the hols, everyone.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Fluffy emo cartoon hair
I've watched half of The Jane Austen Book Club on Acu's laptop last night. Had to stop because Papa wanted to go home. But so far, I just have to say that Hugh Dancy is oh so adorable. And hot. Yesss. His character in the movie has an R2-D2 ringtone. Hahaha, he's so geeky.
Went to OU with the fam this morning. Hung around MPH for a long time, since that all of us are readers: Papa went for the comic section, Mama went to look at the magazines and cooking books, and Nazim and Hanna hung out at different parts of the children's section. Mira and I went to the young adults' section.
So, I was hanging around the adventure/mystery shelves, and there was this boy sitting on the floor reading a book. And he had fluffy cartoon emo hair. xD
So I walk down the aisle towards where he was sitting and looked at the books on the shelf opposite him. Then, out of curiousity, I looked down, wondering what he was reading.
First I saw the edges of a black and blood-red cover. Then the words ... and I'm pretty sure I was still as a statue by now, because I just realised that he was reading Eclipse. xD I was like, whoa. He's reading Eclipse, lol. I thought it was funny.
Anyway, as a celebration of the beginning of the holidays, I drew Bobby Pendragon of the Pendragon book series. He was fun to colour. :D

Bobby Pendragon (c) D.J. MacHale
Art (c) me.
Went to OU with the fam this morning. Hung around MPH for a long time, since that all of us are readers: Papa went for the comic section, Mama went to look at the magazines and cooking books, and Nazim and Hanna hung out at different parts of the children's section. Mira and I went to the young adults' section.
So, I was hanging around the adventure/mystery shelves, and there was this boy sitting on the floor reading a book. And he had fluffy cartoon emo hair. xD
First I saw the edges of a black and blood-red cover. Then the words ... and I'm pretty sure I was still as a statue by now, because I just realised that he was reading Eclipse. xD I was like, whoa. He's reading Eclipse, lol. I thought it was funny.
Anyway, as a celebration of the beginning of the holidays, I drew Bobby Pendragon of the Pendragon book series. He was fun to colour. :D

Bobby Pendragon (c) D.J. MacHale
Art (c) me.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Many tags today.
Random celeb-bit: James McAvoy's next film has him co-starring with Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman in Wanted.
That guy is on a ROLL!
In vaguely related news, I have decided to add another career option to my list of things I don't want to be when I grow up. Following doctor on the list which I haven't updated since I was seven, I now never want to be a casting director. Or anything related to sitting through auditions. I am a weak and flimsy person who cracks under pressure. D:
Now some sentences thrown together: Drama still chewing on my liver. Tuition took a shorter time than usual. Funny bones are humerous, but I'm the only one laughing. Holding on to people is mind-numbingly frustrating at times. I want new Avatar episodes. The month of march has me marching.
That guy is on a ROLL!
In vaguely related news, I have decided to add another career option to my list of things I don't want to be when I grow up. Following doctor on the list which I haven't updated since I was seven, I now never want to be a casting director. Or anything related to sitting through auditions. I am a weak and flimsy person who cracks under pressure. D:
Now some sentences thrown together: Drama still chewing on my liver. Tuition took a shorter time than usual. Funny bones are humerous, but I'm the only one laughing. Holding on to people is mind-numbingly frustrating at times. I want new Avatar episodes. The month of march has me marching.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Oh, the drama.
I now have a very vague idea of how Simon, Paula and Randy feel during American Idol auditions. I feel for you, dudes and dudette.
Today marked the very last of my March tests. Forever. Sounds incredibly epic put that way. Today was also drama auditions day. I was scared that nobody would turn up. Soon after, I was stressed about just how many people there were to go through. ^^;
Since that I've never done anything like this before, I was a total blur-case. Followed Tarsha around like a pathetic puppy, asking questions and making general statements as to just how hyped I was. This drama thing is killing me inside, seriously. I've never worried about something this long before, not even for UPSR and PMR.
In the end (a.k.a. three hours later) we (that is Pn. H and I since that Pn. P and Tarsha went of early) came up with a cast. We agreed with everything ... except for one character. I'm still grumbly about this. I'm not happy with her choice. Grrraarrrh. Will talk to her tomorrow.
Today marked the very last of my March tests. Forever. Sounds incredibly epic put that way. Today was also drama auditions day. I was scared that nobody would turn up. Soon after, I was stressed about just how many people there were to go through. ^^;
Since that I've never done anything like this before, I was a total blur-case. Followed Tarsha around like a pathetic puppy, asking questions and making general statements as to just how hyped I was. This drama thing is killing me inside, seriously. I've never worried about something this long before, not even for UPSR and PMR.
In the end (a.k.a. three hours later) we (that is Pn. H and I since that Pn. P and Tarsha went of early) came up with a cast. We agreed with everything ... except for one character. I'm still grumbly about this. I'm not happy with her choice. Grrraarrrh. Will talk to her tomorrow.
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